Animation in Virtual Reality Environments – A Look Ahead on Virtual Companions

With animation software and technology enhancements avatars used in augmented reality and virtual reality environments as companions, tutors, and online cartoon-like friends, animation is...

Benjamin Button is a Clip-On Camera That Automates Family Video

This new wearable action camera is designed to be kid-proof, allowing parents to capture family memories from the perspective of their child. It’s...

Hands On With the New Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 G2

If you’ve read any photography website or stopped into a store recently, you probably know that the creative options available to photographers are...

Magic Lantern Breakthrough Lets You Shoot Lossless 14-bit DNGs In-Camera

Magic Lantern may soon release their most popular feature since RAW video. A few of the folks who constantly improve the Canon software...

Top 5 Smartphone Cameras Compete in Blind Test

What do the OnePlus 3T, iPhone 7+, Google Pixel XL, Samsung Galaxy S8, and LG G6 have in common? They’re 5 of the...

The Benefits of Predictive Dialers

If you need to handle multiple calls easily and accurately without the fear of dropping a call then a predictive dialer is must. Especially...