Yesterday VRFocus revealed Ubisoft would be announcing a new virtual reality (VR) project at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2016. While the Assassin’s Creed VR Experience, a VR experience being made alongside the movie was revealed this wasn’t the project. The publisher has now unveiled a trailer for a VR videogame called Werewolves Within.

Developed by Red Storm a subsidiary of Ubisoft, Werewolves Within is an online social party videogame for five to eight people, with the aim being to discover who within the group is a werewolf. To discover who is the werewolf players will have to utilize randomly assigned roles and abilities, a guidebook with hints, and the power of persuasion to assess, deduce to win. Each round is played quickly, assigning players new roles every time, mixing up gameplay.

With the titles matchmaking features, players can create a quick match with friends and other gamers or create private matches just with friends.

Werewolves Within will be supporting all the major head-mounted displays (HMDs), Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Sony Computer Entertainment’s (SCE’s) PlayStation VR. A release date for the title is scheduled for the fall 2016, and VRFocus will bring you any further details of Werewolves Within as announcements are made.

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