IRIS VR’s TECHNOLUST stands as one of the most critically acclaimed launch titles for the Oculus Rift, with your very own VRFocus having awarded the videogame a very high score in our review at launch earlier this year. Now, developer Blair Renaud has confirmed that there’s more to come with a ‘huge expansion’ set to bring Oculus Touch compatibility to the videogame later this year.

TECHNOLUST is a science-fiction adventure that sets the player loose in a neon-soaked dystopian world. Throughout their journey the player will face numerous puzzles and encounter a variety of challenges, though the emphasis is strictly on exploration and mental taxation; TECHNOLUST is not a traditional first-person videogame experience, instead playing to the strengths of modern virtual reality (VR).

Oculus Touch is the as-yet-unreleased motion-control system for the Oculus Rift. Two hand-held devices equipped with high-end spatial tracking, analog sticks and multiple triggers, the Oculus Touch is considered one of the most ergonomic and accurate motion-control devices developed for videogame platforms.

No release date for the Oculus Touch has yet been announced, and as such no release date for TECHNOLUST’s compatibility has been revealed. However, in a tweet from Renaud’s personal Twitter account it was revealed that it’s not simply a case of shoehorning motion-control into the videogame, instead that a ‘huge expansion’ is in development:

“Huge Technolust expansion is in the works for @oculus touch. More details soon.”

TECHNOLUST Confirmed to Oculus Touch: ‘Huge Expansion’

Given that Oculus VR’s Jason Rubin recently confirmed that further details on the intended release of Oculus Touch would arrive at Oculus Connect 3, San Jose, in October 2016, we can expect more details on TECHNOLUST’s compatibility to follow suit. VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on Oculus Touch, TECHNOLUST and other forthcoming Oculus Rift software titles.

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