The Challenge

The Globe and Mail came to us with a great project for Porsche using 360 technology, featuring 3 profiles on entrepreneurs. 360 video is fantastic – it gives viewers the chance to feel completely immersed in the footage, but it proposes some challenges when it comes to storytelling. Without controlling where the audience looks how can you tell a story that’s clear and succinct?

The Q-solution

Get creative with gear and script away!

Collaboration played a big role in this series: we worked with Q alum Matthew Bennett and 360 video specialist Renan Ozen from Quick Attack Productions. Matthew and Renan put their heads (and love for custom gear) together to source a rover and create a compact backpack rig for the 360 camera set-up. Both rigs enabled us to put the audience right into the story with our profiles (like up 1000 vertical feet with climber Matthew Languay) and to tell the story, we wrote authentic scripts based on interviews, read by a narrator. This allows us to tell the story while fully immersing the audience in the visuals.

The Result?

A fun series that puts the audience right into the action: behind the wheel of a Porshce Macan, 1000 vertical feet up a rock-face, into the busy kitchen of the Drake Devonshire and enjoying a frosty beer on the 9th hole. And our creative storytelling style allows the audience complete control to pick and choose what they see!

NOTE: This style of video is best watched on Google Chrome or your smartphone. Click around and enjoy.


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