While virtual reality (VR) content creators are using the medium for serious documentaries, sports or action pieces, the one genre which has barely been covered is comedy. One company doing something different is PAVR Media which is behind comedy experiences like Teleportaled, Passport to Adventure and Sunsets for Sale. Now has released five 360-degree videos for a series called Front & Center.

Front & Center is a standup series with each video featuring a different comic doing a 7 to 8 minute set. They’re Todd Glass, Whitmer Thomas, Sara Schaefer, Joe DeRosa and Johnny Pemberton.

As with all of PAVR Media’s 360-degree videos there’s a couple of ways viewers can enjoy the experience. Via PC the 360-degree videos can be viewed via a compatible browser and controlled with a mouse or the WASD keys on YouTube, On smartphones its even better as through the YouTube app you’ll be able to use a Google Cardboard or similar head-mounted display (HMD).

One of the videos can be seen below, to see the rest head on over the PAVR Media’s YouTube channel for the rest. VRFocus will continue its coverage of PAVR Media releases as new ones are announced.

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