It is only a matter of days until the launch of the Oculus Rift and there have been high hopes surrounding the number of Rifts that will sell, predictions reaching 1-2 million units. It has been said by a gaming analyst that the Rift may only reach half that prediction due to other cheaper options on the market.

According to a VentureBeat article, Colin Sebastian doubts the predicted success of the Rift, saying that it will only reach “500,000 to 1 million units this year”. The article reports that Sebastian thinks that consumers ‘may adopt low-end devices first’, with the analyst saying: “We continue to view mobile VR as currently the leading VR interface for consumers, although PlayStation VR has some notable advantages among ‘platform’ devices, including lower price point, console integration, decent game lineup, and a relatively comfortable headset.”

Sebastian is reported to go on to say: “While we expect each of the three [high-end] VR platforms will likely sell out of limited initial production and shipments, adoption among a broader consumer base will require lower prices, more attractive form factors, and improved usability”.

The head-mounted display (HMD) is set to be released on 28th March, and the actual sale figures are expected to be announced officially, so it is anyone’s guess what it could be at this point as no prediction of price, due date, or sale figure has been absolutely accurate for any of the HMDs on the market.

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