Following yesterday’s virtual reality (VR) trip into space and a never ending battle against unknown alien forces, we head back to Earth to a very different setting and feel. To be more precise we’re heading to Los Angeles, the second largest city in America and one of its best known. Famed for its sprawling cityscapes, rich nightlife and home to more than a few celebrities being the location of Hollywood.

Of course there is another side to Los Angeles as well.

Hunger In L.A. re-enacts a real life event in which the operator of a food bank in the city is increasingly overwhelmed by the rush of needy people. In fact there are so many people and the delay so long that one man’s body can no longer cope being a diabetic and he collapses to the ground, his blood sugar level so low he has fallen into a coma.

So no, not an entertaining experience today on Oculus VR Share, but one that is more real (the audio is that recorded during the incident) than perhaps any we’ve so far featured.

Emblematic Group’s Machinima-based video takes place from the viewpoint of a nearby witness and you’ll require an Oculus Rift DK2 head mounted display (HMD) to view it in VR. However you can view a video of the experience below from Youtube:

VRFocus will return tomorrow with another New To VR item, but be sure to check out all the latest news from Paris Games Week before then.


The post New To VR: A Very Real Situation Re-enacted In Hunger In L.A. appeared first on VRFocus.

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