Valve and HTC showcased some of its official content line-up for the HTC Vive virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD) at the Valve Developer Showcase in Seattle, Washington last week. But, over on the other side of the world, brand new experiences for the kit were being created too. Unity, Julie Heyde from VRUnicorns and Peter Andresen organised a development jam for the kit in Copenhagen, Denmark over the weekend, with indie teams from all over the world flying in to create innovative new content for the upcoming device at Unity’s own offices. With the jam now over, the new experiences have been revealed.

Nico Uthe & Sara Vogl of VR Nerds have charted the projects that came out of the jam in a blog, with videos and images of each seen below. The team itself created Skip Walk, a new method of moving within VR experiences that relies on the force created from moving the HTC Vive’s position-tracked controllers. The developer noted that the idea allowed for accurate movement, though still needed work to be perfected over what was made during the jam.

Henning Capricorn, meanwhile, worked on a graphical experiment known as PointCloud.

VR Platform was created by Rune Johansen, Matthias Aronsson, Ruud op den Kelder, Bastian Leonhardt Strube, and Andreas Aronsson. This sees players navigate a series of floating platforms using the HTC Vive’s Room-Scale position tracking, though not every path will lead to the finish line.

Daniel Wallner created an experience known as Camping Simulator while Horatio from VRUnicorns created a relaxing bonfire experience.

Wallner also contributed to a pinball music project in which the given ball would make different sounds by striking different surfaces.

Salty Space Slugs came from Robin Baumgarten and cast players as a slug that much dodge salt crystals as they travel.

Peter Fisher, Johan Karlberg, Simon Lajboschitz, and Casper Fabricius worked on SCIFI Samurai, which sees players create fireballs to defend allies from enemies.

Daniel Nyberg, Björn Fyrvall, Daniel Kihlgren, Max Nilsson, and Jakob Johansson made a VR minigame collection while Pizza Hood gives players a bow and arrow which they must use to shoot pizza toppings.

Follow Me saw you leading sheep back to a pen to keep them safe from wolves.

Meanwhile, Super Posers took an interesting twist on the super hero genre by asking players to assume the poses of 16 famous heroes.

Something that Oculus Rift creator Palmer Luckey would no doubt be interested to see is Pokemon Diorama, which offers 3D visualisations of the popular creatures.

Svavar Melberg, Jian Dbeis, Silent Guy, Max Wricht, Lars Bindslev, Remi Stuurwol, and Caspar Peterson created Don’t Drop The Torch in which the Vive controllers serve as a light to guide the way

Space Shooter Stuff VR was created by Kristijonas Malisauskas, Johs Duvig, and Frederik Petersen lamp in which players use the controllers to take aim and fight back against enemies.

Finally, Andreas Schönhaus and Jonas Hansen made VR Connected in which one player wears the HTC Vive while another holds the controllers. The HMD user then instructs the other player on how to use the controllers.

Stay tuned to VRFocus for the latest updates on the HTC Vive.


The post New HTC Vive Experiences Revealed from Copenhagen VR Jam appeared first on VRFocus.

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