The recent PlayStation Experience event had a few surprises for virtual reality (VR) fans of the PlayStation VR head-mounted display (HMD) for PlayStation 4. One of the biggest announcements came from Element Games with its reveal of Rez Infinite, a revival of a Dreamcast classic that’s gained a cult following. Previously the video trailer available was from the keynote speech, featuring the Synesthesia Suit, a special promotional item that attendees at the event got to experience. Now Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) has unveiled a brand new video, with new footage in full HD for fans to enjoy.
Rex Infinite is a psychodelic on rails shooter that Enhance Games President and CEO Tetsuya Mizuguchi, the creator of the original, said in a PlayStation blog post: ‘it feels like the perfect time to introduce our game to a whole new generation of PlayStation hardware’. The title boasts 120fps gameplay with PlayStation VR’s reprojection along with 1080p resolution.
Since the PlayStation Experience reveal there’s been little else of note announced about the title. It’s not clear how far into development Rez Infinite currently is, but fans of the original will be following it closely. PlayStation VR has been slated for release in the first half of 2016, and VRFocus will be reporting on the latest updates to the headset.
The post Enhance Games Release Rez Infinite Trailer appeared first on VRFocus.