Earlier this month Epic Games launched version 4.12 of its Unreal Engine middleware. The software development engine is very popular, used by studios around the world for both standard videogames and virtual reality (VR) projects.  Today the company has released a selection of hotfixes, resolving several issues and crashes.

There are two VR centric fixes: “UE-31454 Using VR Preview and Shader Complexity viewmode will cause a crash” and ” UE-31914 Remove embedded vertex buffers from GoogleVRHMDViewerPreviews.cpp that are killing compile times and binary sizes. All the rest are just general development improvements, but they help to ensure stability for all content developers.
All the hotfixes can be seen below, and VRFocus will continue its coverage of Unreal Engine and Epic Games, reporting back with any further announcements.

Full Changelog of fixes:

Fixed! UE-32179 Properties of blueprint based behaviour tree decorators are reset on game start

Fixed! UE-32178 Vehicles set to “obstacle only” in RVO are moving on their own

Fixed! UE-32356 Editor crashes when opening several marketplace assets – Assertion failed: !HasAnyFlags
Fixed! UE-32414 Using TickInterval for a tick used as a prerequisite will crash
Fixed! UE-31897 PhysicsVolume weak pointer returns null only in packaged project
Fixed! UE-31938 Crash report window does not open on GitHub source builds
Fixed! UE-29086 Crash When Typing a Node Comment and Hovering Over the Alignment Option
Fixed! UE-30963 UCS continuously runs while a blueprint’s thumbnail in content browser is focused
Fixed! UE-32381 Crash updating thumbnail after compiling blueprint
Fixed! UE-32283 Animations imported with Skeletal Mesh are not marked as dirty and don’t get saved
Fixed! UE-30878 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Foliage!FFoliageInstanceBaseCache::AddInstanceBaseId() [foliageinstancebase.cpp:101]
Fixed! UE-31956 Instance changes no longer propagating to ChildActor after updating from 4.11.2
Fixed! UE-32219 [CrashReporter] Crash in UEngine::UpdateTimeAndHandleMaxTickRate()
Fixed! UE-32276 AActor::OnRep_AttachmentReplication regression on detach
Fixed! UE-32124 Crash when Deleting Concatenator Node while Playing Sound Cue
Fixed! UE-28604 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FSharedPoolPolicyData::GetPoolBucketIndex() [gpuskinvertexfactory.cpp:75]
Fixed! UE-31445 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_DetailCustomizations!FBodyInstanceCustomization::GetDefaultCollisionProvider() [bodyinstancecustomization.cpp:35]
Fixed! UE-32244 Grabbing a Destructible Mesh Child blueprint with a Phsyics Handle crashes the editor
Fixed! UE-31766 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!AActor::InvalidateLightingCacheDetailed() [actor.cpp:4111]
Fixed! UE-32060 Editing Landscape Collision Mip Level Crashes Editor
Fixed! UE-32132 Safe zone visualization and debugging is broken on Windows
Fixed! UE-31441 A3D doesn’t work on PS4
Fixed! UE-31450 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_UnrealEd!FLightmassExporter::WriteSceneSettings() [lightmass.cpp:1818]
Fixed! UE-31765 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Renderer!FMeshMaterialShader::SetMesh<FRHIVertexShader * __ptr64>() [shaderbaseclasses.cpp:457]
Fixed! UE-31454 Using VR Preview and Shader Complexity viewmode will cause a crash
Fixed! UE-29332 [CrashReport] Crash When Switching from Lit to Light Complexity Mode
Fixed! UE-32036 GitHub 2504 : [Editor Hang new in 4.12 fix in FinalPostProcessSettings] Essential project-killing hang fix ? Rama
Fixed! UE-32415 Editing Landscape Collision Mip Level Crashes Editor
Fixed! UE-29146 CameraVectorWS Input Data as Post Process Blendable not Rendering Correctly
Fixed! UE-31549 r.ScreenPercentage.Editor does not function
Fixed! UE-32507 Third party plugin authors cannot stage PRX files on PS4
Fixed! UE-31914 Remove embedded vertex buffers from GoogleVRHMDViewerPreviews.cpp that are killing compile times and binary sizes

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