What would ideal videogame room look like? What would it contain? Most gamers, especially the most dedicated, probably have an idea of what they would like from a room that solely revolves around their collection of consoles, videogames, paraphernalia and collectables. UK-based digital artist Synthetic Worlds has been doing just that, using Epic Games’ Unreal Engine to build a virtual version.

The short 1-minute video is littered with references to videogame culture and eras. Beginning at the table in the centre of the room, the camera pans across revealing Final Fantasy guidebooks, an original Sega Master System, a copy of Super Smash Bros for the Nintendo Game Cube and a copy of Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One  sat neatly in the middle.

Sweeping down the carpet the camera moves past Game Cube and Nintendo 64 consoles, heading towards a giant mural on the far wall. The shot then quickly switches to a book shelf with further videogames neatly stacked.

VRFocus isn’t going to list everything included in the video, its far more fun if you  manage to spot all the references yourself, test out your knowledge.

Synthetic Worlds has all sorts of digital renders on its website, with further static images of several videogame consoles in greater detail than in the video. For all the latest news and announcements on VR keep reading VRFocus.

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