Most development companies have put a fair amount of effort into developing one or two virtual reality (VR) titles, but Insomniac, developers of Edge of Nowhere, has revealed that it will be releasing two more new VR titles exclusive to the Oculus Rift head-mounted display (HMD), The Unspoken and Feral Rites.

The titles that will be released by Insomniac differ from each other and offer two different experiences in VR: The Unspoken is an urban magic titles set in the streets of Chicago where you will work your way up through the ranks of a magic fight club, where the player will use the motion controllers to cast spells and learn new tricks as they progress in PVP combat; Feral Rites “combines the feel of adventure of Zelda with the brutal combat of God of War“, where the player ventures through the jungle to avenge their Chieftain father who was murdered using only the Xbox controller in combo-filled brawls.

Insomniac now has three VR titles to be released and its exclusivity to Oculus has presented the development company with great opportunities, according to Chad Dezern, Studio Director, when speaking to VRFocus: “We thought it was a great opportunity for the games we’re making – we are big VR enthusiasts, we really love to dive into learning how to make mechanics for VR games and at the same time the hardware is kind of coming into its own, and Oculus has presented a great opportunity for that and have been a great partner to work with. There’s a sort of really fun experimental nature to the whole thing and we feel like we’re partners in figuring out a lot of really tough mechanical problems.”

The Unspoken is to be released Holiday 2016, and Feral Rites will be available Fall 2016.

For the latest updates on all of Insomniac’s VR releases stay with VRFocus.

The Unspoken

Insomniac Reveals 2 New Oculus Rift Exclusives

Feral Rites

Insomniac Reveals 2 New Oculus Rift Exclusives Insomniac Reveals 2 New Oculus Rift Exclusives

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