Screen Recording Solution Found! (Review of Screencast-O-Matic)

I was looking for software to help me start making editing tutorials. I've found it. source

Tips and Tricks for Making Videos for Kids & Beginners

From shooting video on a dogsled at -40 below to working with R2D2, I've seen it all in the video world. If you're just...

VR Outdoor Video: Two Minutes In The Backcountry #NatureMeditation

Whether you have VR goggles or a smartphone, this video can be viewed in full 360 degree immersive video. Try the A, S, D...

Extending Camera Battery Life In The Cold (Bonus “Fart Noise” Edition)

As a former Alaskan video producer, I"ve learned a few hacks for extending your camera's battery life in the cold. source

Winter Adventures in 360: Virginia Meissner Sno Park in Bend, Oregon

It's one of the most popular non-motorized winter parks in Oregon. I'll take you on a tour in 360! source

Why I Would Not Buy The Insta360 One X

Some of the hype about the Insta360 One X is real but a lot of it is overblown. It pains me to make this...

Smith Rock Is F–king RAD! (Immersive 360 VR Video Meditation)

A fully immersive 360 degree VR video of Smith Rock...which is f--king rad. source

Tips for Dealing with Abrupt Changes from a Master Changer

The one thing that has never changed is the never ending changes in my life. After decades of making mistakes, here are some tips...

Welcome To The Scojo In 360 Channel!

If you subscribe today, you'll be saving the lives of kittens, whales and innocent children. Check out my content on Facebook and Instagram as...

The Insta360 One X is PISSING ME OFF! (but I love it)

One day the Insta360 One X and I will live together in loving harmony. But our relationship needs to mature a bit first. If...

How To Make The Greatest Sandwich Ever {VR 360 Video}

Bacon, avocado, two eggs, white cheddar, seared ham on a Kaiser roll. Now hit play to see it made in front of your eyes. source

Smith Rock & The Sandwich (Misery Ridge Hike) [VR 360 video]

Shot entirely on an Insta360 One X, I'll take you on a 360 video of one of the world's most famous rock climbing attractions...