In October 2015 The New York Times announced a partnership with Google to give all of its 1.1 million subscribers a free Google Cardboard head-mounted display (HMD). Now the international new outlet has revealed it’ll be distributing another 300,000 headsets to its most loyal digital subscribers next month in conjunction with the publication of Seeking Pluto’s Frigid Heart.

Seeking Pluto’s Frigid Heart will allow the viewer to fly over Pluto, soaring above never-before-seen rugged mountains and bright plains, and stand on Pluto’s surface as its largest moon hovers over the horizon. The film is narrated by science reporter Dennis Overbye and The New York Times worked with the Lunar and Planetary Institute and the Universities Space Research Association to build accurate three-dimensional virtual worlds from data collected last year by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft.

The digital subscribers selected for the 300,000 HMDs were chosen based on the duration of their subscriptions. The NYT app is free to download for Android and iOS platforms and Seeking Pluto’s Frigid Heart will be available from 19th May for anyone to experience.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of the NYT app, reporting back with any new content additions.

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