Earlier in the week VRFocus delivered a preview of IndoTraq’s VRTraq system, which brings Room Scale user-tracking to the Gear VR mobile-based virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD) from Samsung and Oculus VR. The system impressed by offering a teatherless solution to being able to physically walk around a virtual environment, which currently isn’t possible on major HMDs such as the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. A closer look at the system can now be seen in a video below.

This brief look at VRTraq’s wireless tracking capabilities shows someone using the system to play a simple first-person shooter (FPS) experience in which the Gear VR’s head-tracking is used to aim. It’s a rough experience but, as the trailer states, the system doesn’t rely on cameras of lasers to be utilised. That said, it doesn’t look as if there’s a chaperone system in place, which is one of the major features of the new version of the HTC Vive, the Vive Pre.

While there’s no information about a launch for a consumer system, developer kits for IndoTraq’s tech should be arriving in March. For the latest on VRTraq, keep reading VRFocus.


The post Take a Closer Look at Gear VR Room Scale Tracking with VRTraq appeared first on VRFocus.

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