Exclusive content has been a point of contention within the virtual reality (VR) community for the past few months. While HTC Vive co-creator Valve insists that it wants developers to bring their VR titles to all platforms, Oculus VR has secured several videogames that will only be appearing on the Oculus Rift and/or Gear VR head-mounted displays (HMDs) under the Oculus Studios banner. One of its biggest exclusives is Lucky’s Tale, Playful’s 3D platformer that is free with every purchase of an Oculus Rift. However, it’s now possible to play Lucky’s Tale and another Oculus Rift exclusive title on HTC Vive through an unofficial hack.

Reddit user CrossVR has posted a program named Revive onto GitHub that, when installed, allows Lucky’s Tale owners to play the title through Valve and HTC’s device. It can also play Oculus Dreamdeck through the kit, though that’s all for now. The program might work with other experiences too, though they haven’t yet been tested. According to Polygon, it’s even possible to utilise Room-Scale tracking with the program, allowing you to get up and actually walk around these environments, which isn’t yet possible in the Oculus Rift.

Of course the HTC Vive technically has some exclusives of its own until the launch of the Oculus Touch position-tracked controllers later on this year. Certain experiences such as Fantastic Contraption currently aren’t possible on Oculus Rift, which is for the time being relying on the Xbox One gamepad that comes bundled in with the device. The Touch controllers will also come with an extra tracking sensor, which should extend the Oculus Rift’s tracking capabilities to that of the HTC Vive.

Check back with VRFocus for the latest on both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

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