Wednesday. The middle of the week. Humpday, or whatsoever else you want to address it as. For today’s Life in 360° I thought a little music would be in order, however as music videos go, this one is a pretty unusual one.

For a start we’re off to Germany and into a small car being driven by German musician and entertainer Friedrich Liechtenstein. Who, led by a couple of hairy bikers and with a cheerleader in the back (naturally). will proceed to drive you around the city, serenading you as he keeps coming across all manner of people who join in with the song. All on a journey to find the Tankstelle des Glücks – the Gas Staton of Happiness.

There’s a lot going on, and the camera is always addressed as singing to you which is nice to see. It’s an unusual one but what is Life In 360° but not variety? Join VRFocus again Friday morning for something a little different – volcanoes!

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