Since the official launch of virtual reality (VR) add-on FlyInside by developer Daniel Church, there’s been several updates which have added improvements and fixes to the software. Today Church has released the next update, version 1.3 which includes among other things support for Leap Motion’s latest software development kit (SDK), Orion.
FlyInside supported Leap Motion’s hand tracking system since the word go, so that users could use hand gestures to control various cockpit functionality. Orion launched back in February with David Holz, Leap Motion Co-founder and CTO saying: “Orion software represents a paradigm shift in how we do hand tracking. It’s built from the ground up specifically for VR. It’s radically smoother, faster, more reliable, and far more capable than even the best of what’s existed before.”
Other changes in FlyInside v1.3 include a new FlyInside Menu View, added interaction system, contextual cockpit system for Orion, Prepar3D 3.2 support and night-mode UI theme.
There’s two versions of FlyInside that Church has released, one called FlyInside FSX for owners of Microsoft’s Flight Simulator X, and FlyInside P3D for Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3D software.
At present FlyInside only supports the Oculus Rift DK2 head-mounted display (HMD), but Church has previously indicated he plans to add further support for the Oculus Rift CV1 and the HTC Vive headset in the future.
VRFocus will continue its coverage of FlyInside, reporting back any new announcements.