The weekly releases for Samsung’s Gear VR head-mounted display (HMD) are still regular as clock work, although this week has been a little sparse. Just two videogames have launched, Turbo Button’s elevator puzzle solver Floor Plan and Photon Strike from developer Photon Forge. Photon Strike is a sci-fi strategy title where players can explore the cosmos or defeat their enemies.
Going for addictive, immersive gameplay rather than flashy visuals players control coloured circles with numbers inside depicting the number of spaceships in that allotted area. As commander of the fleet its up to players to decide what strategy they would like to take. Are you more of an explorer, looking out for new planets and ways of expanding your fleet, or are you looking for all out war.
Photon Strike features both singleplayer and multiplayer modes. Offline players will face multiple AI enemies, each with their own traits. Or online fight against up to four players to see who reigns supreme.
The videogame costs $1.99 USD from the Oculus store and controls are handled by the touchpad, no additional Bluetooth gamepad is required.
VRFocus will continue its coverage of the latest Gear VR releases as new content hits the store.