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TwoEyes VR discontinued

TwoEyes VR announced that their crowdfunded 3D 360 camera will no longer be produced.

TwoEyes VR was a crowdfunded 3D 360 camera that sought to become the most affordable 3D 360 camera on the market at only $199.  It had a pair of lenses on each side, with each pair separated by 65mm, which is the approximate average distance between most people’s eyes.

TwoEyes VR
TwoEyes VR

Their Kickstarter campaign launched in 2017 and it looked like they had some functional prototypes.

Delivery was scheduled for August 2017.  They were giving updates until as recently as March 2020.  However, CEO Hunjoo Song announced today that their corporation is now suspended and that they are going to try to issue refunds to their backers.   Mr. Song didn’t say if they would try to sell their design to another company.

The post Crowdfunded 3D 360 camera TwoEyes VR discontinued appeared first on 360 Rumors.

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